week 3 Day 14 Back to Work

Today I got back from spring break, and boy I’m not ready to come back. I was working all week and I would like to have just a few more days to sleep more.

The first thing I did was go back through a few things I had early touched when we were leaving for break then I got caught up and went on with what I hadn’t learnt. The first NEW thing iI worked on was clipping masks and how to use them. The way a clipping mask works is you can take a simple shape like the circle drawn up and place it over a certain object like the picture of the woman.  The next thing you do is select both the circle and the object (the picture) and go up to your edit menu drop down, find clipping masks fly out menu, and click on create mask.  Once you do that you’re done with the piece of art work you are making a mask for. You don’t only need to use simple shapes either you can take a path drawn by your pen tool and make a mask out of it too.

Next I went over how to take a psd. or pdf. file and make it a vector based piece of art.  This was actually a whole lot  simpler than it sounds. i can take the non vector based file I have pave into Illustrator and then use the trace button in the object menu bar right above my artboard. That will roughly trace it into a vector path object the I am able to drop down the trace panel and modify the colors that I lost change the noise, paths, and corners and finally make my object a 100% vector bases piece of art within a matter of minuets.


After that I went on and learnt how to print off my objects.  This is the simplest thing so far in the course to be honest but that is because I am very well acquainted with printing objects.  the only thing different is some of the menu options which want even that different just pretty much different names  and a few different functions of them.

Then there was the packaging  files.  This was like simple saving but it allowed me to just make simple objects into pdf files

Next I learnt how to modify selected portions that I copy into photoshop.  I can take these objects I copy go to their layer on Photoshop double click on an icon in the bottom right corner of the preview picture of that layer and it will open the object in its original format (Adobe Illustrator) and modify it and make it chance itself on photoshop.

Finally I went over the way to change a file into a legacy file which means I pretty much made it available to be modified on a older version of Illustrator

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